Digital Handbooks

Handbooks are a big thing in hospitals. People dump received wisdom about locally relevant policies, procedures, diagnostic frameworks, appropriate tests or specific antibiotic use guidelines etc. into documents for other physicians to work off of. Many departments (e.g. internal medicine) seem to have their own. At some hospitals the handbooks get good enough to get published and used widely, and others live on as probably-out-of-date PDFs or word docs, physical copies, neglected corners of a hospital website, or if you’re lucky bespoke but usable websites.

Perhaps in a better world these things ought to be collaboratively built wikis. And, in a slightly better world than that one, this wiki could work offline on your phone or be rendered onto dead trees so you have something to refer to when you’re in a dark corner of the hospital with no signal or a dying battery.

The current situation isn’t dire, but the technology to address it is here. I just don’t know what it is. What is the new (or old) hotness is for making a pile of formatted text into navigable document, and also an app, or a book. Perhaps what I’m after is just a google doc with offline use turned on. Or perhaps you could actually do this with a proper wiki, or github, or bookdown, or any of those things floated on top of a flutter app….

Do you know? I’m tempted to go the google doc route for ease of use, but I resent having to turn to Google.